Post written by
James Goodnow
Attorney James Goodnow, a Harvard Law graduate, is a shareholder at Fennemore Craig, P.C. and a member of the firm’s management committee.
Millennials, like myself, have gotten a bad rap. How often have you heard baby boomers and Gen-Xers slam millennials for lacking the drive needed to ascend the corporate ranks, like the workers of their generation? I have news for you: they’re right.
Well, they’re at least right in part. It’s true that many millennials aren’t driven to chase after the same career goals as previous generations did. The managerial brass ring that was once so coveted often isn’t the prize anymore; millennials have seen the cost. Where other generations missed the mark, however, is in thinking that millennials aren’t driven at all. Millennials are generally more motivated by forging their own path and creating a balanced life, regardless of title. We are driven – just toward different goals and in different ways.
There’s nothing fundamentally different about the DNA of a millennial worker. But our shared experiences have shaped our reality. We’re “digital natives” — we don’t know a world without restarting and rebooting. We also experienced life-changing events, like the market crash of 2008, during our formative years. We’re a generation that understands the devastating effects of greed, and the power technology has to positively shape the world.
The rules of the game have changed: millennials have surpassed Gen X as the largest segment of the workforce. And with the oldest millennials now in their mid-30s, these aren’t just entry-level workers anymore; millennials are now assuming leadership roles. Businesses need a “millennial makeover” to attract and motivate the most talented members of the new generation. But how can this be done?
Here are some easy steps you can take to make your business more millennial-friendly:
Remember That Your Organization’s Mission Matters
From the tech bubble burst of 2000 to the housing crisis, millennials have grown up acutely aware of the damage bred by businesses focusing too much on the bottom line.
Business leaders should understand that we’re motivated by causes, and we gravitate toward companies that are interested in more than just profit. Companies that have a genuine interest in making the world a better place will earn our trust, and if your company represents a great cause while also offering competitive compensation, even better.